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Yokai Forest


Yokai Forest is a mobile pussle game, inspired by Lara Croft Go. The game is available on the Google Play Store!

The Game was developed in Unity and my main responsibilities included the main menu, input, enemy puzzle elements and saving and loading progress.


Main Responsibilites

Designing menues for mobile was a new experience for me, but using unitys built in UI systems made it possible to make a responsive UI for the smartphone.


Main Menu

Since we rated our players performance on each stage, I implemented a saving and loading system for scores, making it possible for the player to keep their progress and bragging rights between playing sessions.


Saving and loadig


I implemented an enviromental hazard - ghosts that traversed the grid with the player. These were used as puzzle elements that the player had to avoid. I designed a path system building on our grid, which decided where the ghosts would walk and how they would interract if their paths were blocked.


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